Know Your Ship

Know Your Ship is a national, multifaceted campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of the shipbuilding and repair industry and the critical role it plays in maintaining America’s national and economic security.

Jobs and the Economy

Republicans and Democrats alike have made U.S. economic and national security the cornerstone of their platforms and the shipbuilding and repair industry is proud to be a solid provider of family-waged American jobs that help support the nation’s industrial base.

According to the U.S. Maritime Administration, the U.S. shipbuilding and repair industry supports more than 400,000 jobs from coast to coast and is critical to the nation’s infrastructure – moving millions of goods and people every day.

Additionally, for each job in the shipbuilding and repair industry, there are two jobs created across the nation- in both the commercial and military sectors. Overall the shipbuilding and repair industry contributes $36 BILLION every year to the U.S. economy.

402,000 Jobs

supported by private U.S. shipyards

The shipbuilding and repair industry contributes

$36 billion

every year to the U.S. economy

Getting to “Know Your Ship”

In addition to the stories of the tens of thousands of men and women that support the industry in every state in the nation, the Know Your Ship campaign will provide real-time and relevant facts and stories behind the U.S. fleet, and will showcase the significant historical and modern components of the shipyard industry, including the breadth of the fleet and the components that make the ships that are unique to the U.S. shipbuilding and repair industry.

The Know Your Ship campaign will serve as a resource to Members of Congress, their staffs and the media to provide information on the necessity of American-built vessels for national and economic security and to showcase the validity for robust and consistent federal shipbuilding and repair funding.

Behind the U.S. Fleet

provides real-time and relevant facts and stories

How to Become a Member

Become an SCA member to have access to the latest industry news, exclusive industry events, and shipyard safety and health information. Follow the link below to fill out your appropriate membership application.